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How Voice Search Will Work For You

  • by Junior Bucknor
  • 19 Dec, 2018

If you're a business that's a bit light on a meaningful web presence we have some good news for you! You're about to get a helping hand from Google in 2019 - this, for the most part, is thanks to a steady rise in voice search. Forecasters predict that by 2020 voice search will constitute 50% of all online searches. When people do voice searches, they tend to do so on a mobile device when they're on the move and in the area.

Forecasters predict that by 2020 voice search will constitute 50% of all online searches.

Google saw this trend and has fortified its AI (Artificial Intelligence) capabilities with something called Duplex. This is an AI feature suitable for synching with "natural language" conversation - it will search information about the businesses available on Google Maps instead of using data on the web. Duplex will crawl Google Maps for the relevant information. This is going to lessen friction by way of automation. As an example, imagine your customer does a voice search and Google finds their favourite local restaurant; Google Assistant can make the phone call for them and even talk to you, the business owner, to make a reservation on behalf of the customer.

You will most likely have seen a new feature on Google Maps called "For You". This clever little addition can suggest local businesses suitable to your customer's preferences which it gathers from their search history. What is happening here is that Google is integrating and matching data from their web activity with Google Maps application. For You utilises a machine learning function called Your Match which analyses the service offerings and product offering of businesses and makes a calculated judgement as to whether a business can be of service to your customer.
According to Google's blog, "The For You tab is designed to be a constant source of inspiration tailored to your tastes and preferences. Simply follow neighbourhoods or places you’re interested in to get updates and recommendations—everything from recent news about an opening or pop up, a new menu item, and even restaurant suggestions based on what you’re likely to enjoy. If you’re making a trip this holiday season, the For You tab can help you get a jump start on travel planning even before you take off."
Places will be assigned a “match” score displayed as a percentage. This score is representative of how much Google thinks your customer will enjoy your business product or services. When you tap the score it brings up a detailed summary explaining how the score was calculated. The reasons could range from their past dining preferences to ratings they've submitted on Maps.
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